14 January 2008

Oh.. Thumb Thumb

Had a bad start of the year. First, I cut my left face against my sis's hse's keypad lock. Quite a deep cut manz! Scar have faded quite abit though (Tks to BB cream??).

Secondly, I hurt my left jaws. And now, I hurt my left thumb. All because im relocating my office files to the compactus. Guess the files are too heavy and my left thumb thumb cldn't take the weight, hence I sprained it without knowing. I din feel anything until the next day afternoon when I realise tat my left thumb cldn't bend! At first, there's only slight pain but as the time pass, the pain got worse. By the time when I reach home, the pain has spread not only my entire left thumb but also down to my wrist. Even had trouble washing the right side of my body.. Ahahahah... "Right hand wash left side of body and vice versa" Ahahahah... But lazy Mrs Chris refuses to seek help. Thought by massaging, it will heal very soon.

Next morning, thumb thumb swollen!! This time I'm really worried. Told my hubby tat I'm seeking help from his mum who is a physician! Yes. A free ready physician at home but lazy Mrs Chris just.... Haiz... plain lazy...

Out of desperate, I finally request MIL to acupuncture for me.

I swear its damn damn painful! I scream out when the needle poke right thru my swollen area. Esp the right needle. Almost fainted manz!!! The reason why I requested for acupuncture is becoz of its faster healing process, so I din regret.

I was wondering... If these slim needles is enuff to make me feel giddy, wat abt pushing a baby out from my womb? The pain will be at least 100times more! Oh my!